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Shipping costs are calculated based on shipping method (air, sea or land) and product weight / volume. Different shipping companies have different rates, so it’s best to check and compare which is most affordable and economical. For more details on how shipping costs are calculated, please contact us directly.

Currently, we accept Paypal, Visa, and Master Card. We are hoping to add more payment processors soon.

It usually takes 5-12 business days.

Our site has an SSL certification and provides security by encrypting communications between our server and visitors to our website. Our site is flagged secure by displaying of the padlock icon in your address bar, which uses strong 2048 bit signatures, and provides up to 256 bit encryption of customer data along with 99.9% browser recognition.

As an additional upgrade, our site has a Positive SSL upgrade that secures not only our domain, but also our subdomains and is backed by $10K warranty and provides a TrustLogo® Site Seal that you see displayed on our website.

We also use the most trusted payment processors and use your data for delivery purposes ONLY.

Your order is processed and sent to you.


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